Your Personal
Healing Experience

Sessions of Reconnective Healing® or The Reconnection® elicit diverse pleasant responses in people undergoing these sessions. At times the sensations can be quite intense while at other times there may be no sensations. Your experience while undergoing a session will be unique. This is true for everyone; however the following are some common sensations and feelings that our clients routinely report:

  • Instant deep relaxation and cessation of thoughts as if in meditation

  • A feeling of well-being and joy

  • Energy moving through various parts of the body as waves or pulsations

  • Tingling sensations, felling of hot or cold without any accompanying discomfort

  • Visual sensations of cool, bright light entering the body

  • Visions of dark smoke or vapour leaving the body

  • Feelings of being totally immersed in pure blessed light

  • Feeling that the Chakras are opening up

  • Feeling of weightlessness or inability to feel the table below you as if the body is lifting off the table

Please see Testimonials where some of our clients have described their experience while undergoing a Reconnective Healing® session.