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Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®

Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® access a new, more comprehensive, spectrum of frequencies which can bring about healings which are not just physical, not just mental, not just emotional, but go beyond to bring healing that can include the evolution of your very being. In the presence of these frequencies the body can come back into balance so that the person can heal themselves. Additional information is provided in the sections below for those who may be interested in more details.

Reconnective Healing®

Reconnective Healing® appears to be different from other energy healing techniques. Recent scientific studies suggest that the new frequencies associated with Reconnective Healing® might even bring about an "Upgrade" in our system - restructuring our DNA, muscles, tissues and skeletal system, while at the same time balancing mental and emotional states. Incredible results have been obtained in research with Olympic athletes in Russia, suggesting enhanced physical and mental performance and even rapid healing of a leg fracture following Reconnective Healing®.

This is the first time that one is able to access a new, more comprehensive spectrum of healing than has been attainable at any point prior to now. Reconnective Healing is vastly different from other forms of healing such as Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin, Qi Gong or any healing "technique" you may have encountered. In fact Reconnective Healing allows you to transcend technique and its limitations, entirely.

Your interaction with these highly palpable healing energies is initiated during your session, and they continue to work with you long after you've left our office. Following your sessions, you will be attuned to a more comprehensive and evolutionary healing frequency than ever before.

Dr. Eric Pearl says, "Reconnective Healing appears to be a new level of healing - a new form that's here on the planet for the very first time, according to a lot of the researchers. It is apparently so comprehensive, so broad and all inclusive that once you begin to interact with these new healing frequencies you are automatically interacting with all the energy frequencies we've ever known of up until now... because it's more than energy, it includes energy and then expands beyond it, into light and information. The researchers tend to feel that this is the first time that we have had access to this expansive level of healing here on earth."

Latest scientific research has shown that our DNA emits a certain level of light and researchers believe that the body's biofeedback system depends on lightwaves. Light is responsible for the photorepair of body cells and when we are unwell, our light waves are out of synch. In the presence of the energy, light and information of the Reconnective frequencies, the whole system can come back into balance so the person can heal themselves.

We encourage you to read the book "Science Confirms Reconnective Healing" edited by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov which documents the work of several researchers who have conducted scientific experimental studies which demonstrate the effects of Reconnective Healing. The research work of such renowned scientist as Dr. William Tiller, Dr. Ann Linda Baldwin, Dr. Gary Schwartz and others is covered in this book.

This book will definitely be an eye opener for those of us who need detailed scientific proof about this healing modality in order to be fully convinced of it's efficacy.

The Reconnection®

The Reconnection is designed to connect the body's energy circulation system - the acupuncture meridians and chakras - back to a much larger 'axiatonal' energy grid system which encircles the planet and circulates energy and information throughout the universe. These axiatonal lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional energy system. The lines which encircle the earth cross at acknowledged power points such as Machu Pichu in Peru and Sedona in Arizona. The Reconnection brings in and activates these new lines, allowing for the exchange of energy, light, and information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of 'strings' (simultaneously occurring - or parallel - planes of existence).

Through the Reconnection process we can become connected on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before, allowing us to receive an influx of light and information which transforms our body, mind and spirit, clearing blocks, restoring balance, opening up our intuition and accelerating us towards our life's purpose. The Reconnection allows our body's energy to return to perfect attunement with the universe. To achieve the degree of reconnection it brings forth, you may experience healing as part of the process.

The Reconnection is done over two sessions experienced over consecutive days and need never be repeated - once performed it is complete. You may require extra rest in the days following your personal Reconnection to allow the body to assimilate the energy change. The process of reconnecting can continue for months after the actual Reconnection takes place. With time your consciousness and awareness begin to shift and expand, and so do you within yourself. This process is highly recommended for people who practice any form of energy healing.

Originally the meridian lines, sometimes called acupuncture lines, on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet. These grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us into the entire universe. Over time we became disconnected from these lines.

There is a direct link between one’s emotional well~being & the axiatonal system (the grid & our energy lines) that surround & run through our bodies. Our emotions can flow through the grid or get caught up in them, depending on the type of energy that an experience generates. Experiences that we perceive as negative, extreme, traumatic or unpleasant generate an energy that clogs the grid. Energy associated with experiences that we perceive as positive or pleasant, for example, flow through the grid. As we age & experience life, the grid becomes clogged with caught~up emotional energy. Gradually the grid will become dull & energy will not be able to feed into the physical body in an optimal manner. In some cases, the grid will become so clogged that the connection between an individual & the grid ceases. Axiatonal Realignment helps reconnect you to the grid & remove stuck emotional energy. Axiatonal energy can restore healing to our bodies, help clear negative emotions & mental blocks, help us feel connected to a higher consciousness & more balanced.

The Reconnection brings in "new" axiatonal lines that enable us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and, ultimately, for our evolution. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional circulatory system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.