Read a more detailed explanation of the Axiatonal Grid System by Dr J J Hurtak, author of "The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch" and Doug de Vito of The Reconnection.

The Reconnection is designed to connect the body's energy circulation system - the acupuncture meridians and chakras - back to a much larger'axiatonal' energy grid system which encircles the planet and circulates energy and information throughout the universe. These axiatonal lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional energy system. The lines which encircle the earth cross at acknowledged power points such as Machu Pichu in Peru and Sedona in Arizona (pictured below).

By the Reconnection process we can become connected on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before, allowing us to receive an influx of light and information which transforms our body, mind and spirit, clearing blocks, restoring balance, opening up our intuition and accelerating us towards our life's purpose. The Reconnection allows our body's energy to return to perfect attunement with the universe. To achieve the degree of reconnection it brings forth, you may experience healing as part of the process.

Extra rest may be needed in the days following the Reconnection to allow the body to assimilate the energy change. The process of reconnecting can continue for months after the actual Reconnection takes place. As you include these frequencies into your life, your consciousness and awareness begin to shift and expand, and so do you within yourself.

The Reconnection is highly recommended for people who practice any form of energy healing. Many practitioners have reported an increase in their ability to access healing energy after their Reconnection.

The Reconnection is done via a two-session experience over consecutive days and need never be repeated - once performed it is complete. A Reconnective Healing session is recommended first.The cost of 333 (euros in UK) for the Reconnection is the same all over the world and represents the energy exchange between practitioner and client which is necessary for this powerful technique to be successfully completed.